
December 21, 2022

All Fonts Bundle ends after January 6th. Coupon code for even more savings.

Don’t wait until it’s too late, the All Fonts Bundle will be coming to an end after January 6th, and along with it, the incredible savings.

With the added fonts over the past several years (now 55 fonts, 83 individual fonts when counting multiple styles), the All Fonts Bundle has become unmanageably large. After January 6th the MLC will be dividing the fonts into several smaller bundles. This will lower the cost of purchasing a font bundle to a more comfortable level for most customers, but the overall savings will be lowered as well. Customers can currently save nearly 55% off when purchasing the entire MLC font collection for $1499.00. After January 6th, the entire collection may still be purchased by buying each of the 3 bundles, but not at the current low price.

Until January 7th, use coupon code: lastchance to save an EXTRA $200, bringing the cost of the entire MLC font collection down to only $1299.00.

Need only a few fonts? Until January 7th, use coupon code: winter15 to save 15% off of any other font purchase.